Sunday, April 28, 2013

Spring Cleaning: Day 1 Living Room

I Hate cleaning. However, it's that time of year again, ugh! Instead of trying to tackle it all in one day I'm going to do it one room at a time the cheapest and quickest way possible. Each day of the week brings a different room and a whole new to do list. On day one, the living room.

Living Room:

Clear spiders webs: run a broom along the ceilings and baseboards. Don't worry about touching it we'll get to that later.

Curtains: Take down and wash according to instructions on tag.

Mini Blinds: Take them down and put them in the tub. Run warm water and add 3 tbsp. of dish soap and 1 cup of vinegar. Fill just until the water level comes up over the mini blinds. Swish the blind around the sudsy tub and then let soak for one hour then rinse with clean water to remove soap residue. Give the blinds a gentle shake to remove some water, hang them back up and let them dry.

Rugs: Pick up all rugs, take them out side and shake the Hell out of them or beat them with a broom or stick. Smaller rugs can be washed in the washing machine. Bigger rugs should be hung outside on banister, clothes line, ect. to air out.

Wash down ceilings and walls: In a bucket mix together 1 cup ammonia, 1 cup white vinegar and 1/2 cup baking soda with 1 gallon water. Use rubber gloves and have the Windows open for ventilation. With a sponge mop start with the ceiling and work down the walls to the baseboard. Be sure to remove all pictures and decorations from the walls and move the furniture out before starting.

Dust: Use an old wash cloth to dust all decorations, picture frames, nick-nacs, light fixtures, trim, baseboard, window sill, vent covers, t.v., stereo, computer ect.

Polish: An old wash cloth works great for polishing furniture too! In a spray bottle mix together 1 tsp. Olive Oil, 1 tsp. Liquid Castile Soap, 1/4 cup Vinegar, fill the bottle the rest of the way up with water and shake. Polish all wood surfaces, furniture, doors, door knobs, light switch plates and picture frames.

Windows: In an empty spray bottle mix together 1/4 cup lemon juice, 1 tablespoon cornstarch, 1/2 cup white vinegar, and 1/2 cup water, shake to mix. Using crumpled newspaper spray and clean all Windows. If you have any mirrors in the room this works well for them too.

Vacuum: Start with furniture. Using the hose attachment sweep the couch, recliners, and any other furniture with cloth covering. Be sure to flip the couch cushions too. Next, still using the hose attachment, sweep along all baseboard, make sure to get all those icky spider webs you knocked down earlier. When you are finished with that put the brush attachment on and vacuum lampshades from top to bottom. (Trust me you'll be amazed) Then put the hose away and vacuum the floor, be sure to sweep where the furniture normally sits while you still have it moved out to wash the walls. After you do that move the furniture back and finish sweeping the floor.

To finish: Hang the curtains back up, hang all pictures and decorations back up. If you haven't already put the mini blinds back up. Put the rugs back down. Spray the room with your favorite air freshner or make your own by mixing 1/2 cup liquid fabric softer with 4 cups water in a spray bottle and shaking. (Also works good to spray on fabrics to reduce static electricity and freshen) Take a step back and look at what you accomplished! Day one of spring cleaning is complete!

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