Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Everything You Need To Know About Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac


Lean what the pants look like and avoid, avoid, avoid! (See picture)

Never burn plants dead or alive!

Wear clothes that cover as much skin as possible when in wooded areas.

Bathe pets in soapy water if you think they have come in contact with one of these plants.

Wash any clothing or objects that may have come in contact with these plants.

Wear protective clothing and gloves when pulling up plants to dispose of. Make sure you get the roots too or they'll come back.

Home Remedies That Work on all Poison Rashes:

Aloe vera gel: Use aloe vera gel from the inner flesh of the leaves topically to relieve pain and itching.

Banana Peel: Rub inside of a banana peel directly on the rash.

Baking soda: make a paste with 2 tablespoons baking soda and 2 tablespoons Apple cider vinegar. Also sprinkle half a cup in your bath water.

Buttermilk: Use a cotton ball and apply directly to the rash.

Citrus Fruits: Rub the inside of the peels directly on the rash.

Coffee: If you have any leftover (cold) coffee in your cup, pour it on the rash.

Cucumber: Slice a piece off, wipe it on and let dry.Relieves itch.

Miracle Whip: Put a teaspoonfull on the affected area, spread it around and leave it a few minutes. Then wash it off with Dawn Dishwashing liquid.

Milkweed: Extract the milky juice and apply it directly to the rash.

Oatmeal: Apply a paste of cooked oatmeal to the rash to help draw the toxins and relieve the itching.

Vinegar: Mix equal parts Apple cider vinegar and white vinegar with a dash of salt. Use a cotton ball and apply directly to the rash.

Common Myths:

Rash can be spread from one person to another: False! Once the contaminated clothes have been removed and washed and the contaminated person has been bathed they are no longer contagious to others. Even if the blisters break open and puss comes out it isn't contagious!

Dead plants are safe: False! Dead plants are not safe they still contain some of the oil for up to 5 years after death and can give you a rash if you come in contact with them.

Burn the plants to remove them: False! The oils can be spread through the smoke. You can end up with it in your mouth, throat, lungs, and skin from coming in contact with the smoke.

Scratching the rash will spread it: False! Only the original oils from the plant can spread it. After you have washed with soap and water and removed the contaminated clothes you can't spread it to any other parts of yourself even if you scratch open the blisters on the rash.

If you come in contact with it you'll know immediately: False! For most people, the symptoms are delayed at least 12 hours after exposure, and it usually takes up to 3 days for symptoms to appear. For a first time sufferer, it generally takes even longer for the rash to appear – as much as 7 to 10 days!

Pets can infect you: True! Oils can accumulate on their fur, and transmit it to unwitting owners. This is especially true for off-leash dogs and cats that might find a lush patch of poison oak just off the trail. All you have to do is come in contact with them or something they have touched like furniture.

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